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Late Edition

1. Focus on the Fed; Paul Slighted Yet Again
Great piece from the Weekly Standard on the need of any serious GOP contender to press the advantage on monetary policy and the Fed. It insults, however, with the following line: "Among the Republican presidential candidates, Newt Gingrich seems furthest along in understanding that the exclusion of monetary policy from the debate is a mortal threat to Republicans in 2012." Gingrich? I can think of another candidate for whom the Fed and sound money have been central campaign issues for quite some time now.

2. Private Space
Commercial space flight creeps along toward reality. I knew that New Mexico lobbied hard for Spaceport America to be built in the state, but I wasn't aware that the facility is taxpayer funded, and to what extent. Not sure how I feel about that, but I guess it's the people of New Mexico's bag, not mine (unless the taxpayers referenced are federal taxpayers).