A news and comment blog dealing in the mundane, the profound, and everything in between.


Late Edition

1. Cain Is Totally Befuddling
In this video it sounds like Herman Cain is saying that he is opposed to any kind of federal abortion ban, though he is personally opposed to abortion in all cases. I'm not entirely sure that's the position he's articulated in the past, however. Either he tried to dodge Piers Morgan with a deceptive little sidebar to avoid discussing the extremity of his anti-abortion position, or this is his legit policy position. I don't know the answer, and would be grateful if someone could provide clarity.

2. So About That International Banking Conspiracy....
Very interesting article from PopSci on a report that has found that a very tightly knit network of companies control the entire global economy in a model that resembles an economic "super-entity," as they put it.

3. Carrying Capacity in a World of 7 Billion
I'm sure this article will startle some, but I take a rather stoic approach to this. So long as market pressures aren't too heavily suppressed, the developed and developing world will naturally adjust to the increased resource pressures. It's the undeveloped world that will continue to have minimal carrying capacity and face massive die-offs if left unassisted, over-exploited and in perpetual conflict.

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