1. Filmmaker Claims Photographic Proof of Alien Influence
Give me a computer with SimpleText and I’ll give you an “attributable” Stephen Hawking quote too. I’m sorry, too soon?
2. CBO Chief: There’s No Way To Determine If Stimulus Created Jobs, Major Tax Reform Will Lead To Growth
Somebody’s got to put a muzzle on this loose cannon Elmendorf. He’s too concerned about sound fiscal and budgetary policy to understand what really matters here. Which, clearly, is re-election.
3. FoxNews Panel Embarrassed To Have To Interview Ron Paul
Great discussion, though some of the questions are softball time-wasters. Juan Williams can’t help but prod Ron Paul about a third party run (which can only help Obama). Krauthammer looks like someone pooped in his Fruit Loops when Paul talks about al Qaeda in Iraq. Glad to see Paul understands his delivery needs improvement, question is what he’s going to do about it. He did surprise me when he said he’d probably vote for the FairTax (with some reservations). Great thing about a Paul presidency is that the worst case scenario is that he’s completely marginalized and ignored, his veto overriden on issues with overwhelming Congressional support, which is something that would tickle him pink anyway (the executive branch being marginalized by Congress, that is).