A news and comment blog dealing in the mundane, the profound, and everything in between.


Early Edition

1. Occupy Wall Street Officially Jumps the Shark
Behold, the definition of irony: Occupy Wall Street has released an adult coloring book, for sale on Amazon, which features the famously anti-capitalist Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs on the cover. And someone, ostensibly from the movement, has applied to trademark the term "Occupy Wall Street." I'm starting to think this whole thing is some enormously clever joke being played on rabid leftists by subversive conservatives. Oh.... but the pervasive rape and assault kind of makes it not funny.

2. Prophet Muhammad Needs Uptight Dumbasses with Molotov Cocktails to Protect Him From Free Speech
A French newspaper that invited Muhammad to be a guest editor and critizes Sharia Law had its office firebombed and its website hacked in retaliation. Who wants to worship a creepy, humorless teetotal that forbids you from drawing him and has to rely on mooncalves with molotov cocktails to keep him safe from his one weakness: criticism.

3. More Reasons To Be Afraid of Cyberwar
Fears arising now that what was likely a US government-made cyberweapon deployed against the Iranian nuclear program could be turned back on us and used to bring down our entire infrastructure. I'm becoming more and more convinced that the next major war will start cyber, obliterate the belligerents' networks, defense and power grids, and then devolve into a somewhat more sophistocated version of early 20th century trench warfare. There is much to fear, my friends, much to fear indeed.