1. This Wasn't In The Coloring Book....
Occupy Oakland becomes a violent, mindless mob seeking to create more jobs, close the income gap and end corporate cronyism by shutting down the nation's fifth largest shipping port and engaging in street fights with the police.
2. Scientists Create Molecular Computer That Resembles Human Brain Function
I really have no clue what this means, but it doesn't look to have any immediate practical effects. But it appears to be one more small step in the long march toward the potential birth of artificial humans.
3. A Cain Supporter Is Worrried
This piece from the American Spectator raises most of the concerns I've had about Cain not being ready for primetime no matter how much his supporters may wish he was. The current allegations against him of sexual misconduct, strangely becoming larger everyday (where were the folks claiming knowledge of behavior that could "end his campaign" when he first began to rise in the polls.... or declare his candidacy for president?) have just piled more upon him.